Η ερευνητική μας ομάδα συμμετείχε στο 12th Conference of the IOBC-WPRS Working Group on the Integrated Protection of Stored Products (IPSP), που διεξάχθηκε στην Πίζα της Ιταλίας μεταξύ 3 και 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019 . Στα πλαίσια του συνεδρίου παρουσιάστηκαν οι παρακάτω εργασίες:
Keynote Speaker: Athanassiou C.G. (Greece), Götze C., Jakob G., Allegra J., Sakka M., Agrafioti P., Riga M., Vontas J.
“Phosphine tolerance/resistance in Europe: what do we know so far?”
Boukouvala M.C., Kavallieratos N.G., Athanassiou C.G., Benelli G., Hadjiarapoglou L.P.
“Insecticidal efficacy of six new pyrrole derivatives against four stored-product pests”
Boukouvala M.C., Kavallieratos N.G., Romano D., Athanassiou C.G., Stefanini C., Canale A., Benelli G.
“Impact of geographical origin on male mating success and behavioral asymmetries in the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae) – implications for IPM”
Rumbos C.I., Rigopoulou M., Vrontaki M., Pantazis I., Athanassiou C.G.
“Stored-product insects as nutrient source: Challenges and perspectives”
Agrafioti P., Athanassiou C.G., Subramanyam Bh.
“Efficacy of heat treatment on phosphine resistant and susceptible populations of stored product insects”
Domingue M.J., Morrison W.R., Agrafioti P., Baliota G., Sakka M., Scheff D., Lampiri E., Gourgouta M., Boukouvala M.C., Myers S. W., Athanassiou C.G.
“Assessment of different traps and attractants in three processing facilities in Central Greece”
Vassilakos T.N., J. Riudavets, C. Castañé, R.D. Iturralde-Garcia, C.G. Athanassiou
“Efficacy of modified atmospheres on Trogoderma granarium and Sitophilus zeamais”
Rumbos C.I., Pantazis I., Athanassiou C.G.
“Population growth of the lesser mealworm, Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) on amylaceous commodities”.
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